Write Business Law Assignments Like A Pro Taking This Sample For Inspiration
Let’s say you assignment topic asks you to come up with possible solutions to a legal dispute. Two parties may have had a disagreement over business transactions or monetary obligations. Conduct an in-depth analysis of the case, apply relevant legal theories to come up with the most relevant solution. All of this takes quite a lot of time. So, you can get business law assignment help in case of tight deadlines.
The question:
Bruce was extremely intoxicated when he went to a charity auction in the United Kingdom. Under the influence of several substances, he made a successful bid. The auctioneer understood that Bruce wasn’t in his senses. However, When Bruce regained his senses, he accepted the contract. Later, he refused to fulfil the obligations of his contract. What legal advice would you provide Bruce with?
The Answer:
A legal contract in case of auctions includes two people. In this case, too, there were two people involved in the legal contract. One of them was Bruce, who was not in his senses and was not legally bound to the contract. Thus, he was also not in a position to fulfil legal obligations. The auctioneer, on the contrary, was in his senses and was legally bound to the contract.
Any person can enter into a contract only when he has the right mental capacity and intellectual maturity to understand the contract’s terms and conditions. Both the contractor and the contractee need to have sufficient mental lucidity to oblige to the contract. Even the court doesn’t approve of a contract that involves a person who is voluntarily drunk or not in a position to understand the importance of the contract.
Bruce was not in his senses that he could make any decision, let alone signing off a contract. Bruce wasn’t even technically bound to any legal obligations on the basis of the contractual laws. But, he could have disowned the contract right after sobering up. He did not do that. As a result, the contract would be legally binding for him.
The contract will be a valid one and Bruce is bound to follow the obligations of the contract with his auctioneer.
Thinking about the Accounting Assignment Help then you are on the right path because it is the best way to make sure that you complete your assignment within the deadline. But the main thing is that you need to do proper research so that the perfect source for your assignment completion can be found. Secondly, you need to keep calm when you are approaching your deadline because at this time if you start panicking then it might be possible that you can lag behind.